Friday, July 13, 2012

Maryland Horse 'Rapid Redux' Holds Record For Most Consecutive Wins

Maryland Retirement - Maryland Horse 'Rapid Redux' Holds Record For Most Consecutive Wins.
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How is Maryland Horse 'Rapid Redux' Holds Record For Most Consecutive Wins

Maryland Horse 'Rapid Redux' Holds Record For Most Consecutive Wins Tube. Duration : 2.30 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Maryland Retirement . BALTIMORE (WJZ)— Horse racing is a game of odds, and one Maryland horse has beaten those odds by winning every single race for more than a year. With 22 victories, Maryland-owned Rapid Redux has broken the modern US record for consecutive wins. Denise Koch reports, it's an achievement that's made him the pride of Maryland and the toast of the track. He may not be the prettiest guy in the barn. He's definitely not the biggest. But this chestnut is a superstar. He gives autographs and has a fan club. Angel's the president. She drove 7 hours from Ohio just to see him in person. "I followed him," she said. "I think he's beautiful. I just love this horse, so I decided to make a fan page for him." The fan page has 2030 members. "He has a lot of heart. A lot of heart," said Rapid Redux's trainer David Wells. "What's heart? It's the desire to win like even in the mornings, amazing." Jockey JD Acosta has ridden Rapid Redux 10 times--that's 10 rides for 10 wins. "Unique...the thing he does this year is unique. When you have this kind of horse. He tries...unbelievable," Acosta said. In one year Rapid Redux has won 6000—not bad for a horse Bob Cole bought for just over 00. Cole graduated from Loch Raven High School in 1981and grew up loving the track. "Always as a kid I was a gambler, lucky enough to make it in business to afford race horses," Cole said. Today Cole has about 50 horses, but Rapid Redux is his star. "You never see a horse win five in a row. Odds are astronomical ...
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